Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Word About Passive House: The Most Strignent Energy Efficiency Rating in the World

The Passive House movement shows us what's possible with ultra-low-energy buildings. These homes are pushing the envelope and creating an invaluable collection of case studies that demonstrate just how dramatically energy consumption can be reduced--and how we can meet the targets for carbon emission reductions that are needed to slow global warming. It provides metrics and a path for implementation.


Bronwyn Barry, Assoc. AIA, CPHC

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

RESNET Conference in Austin, Texas

The first Passive House in Texas was on display to a group of energy auditors from around the country during the 2012 The RESNET Building Performance Conference here in Austin.  The conference is the premier national forum on home energy ratings, commercial building energy modeling, and improving the energy efficiency of existing homes.  Testing verified the balancing of the ventilation system and gave the raters hand on experience in a Passive House setting.

Nicholas giving a tour of the house; blower door test equipment standing by.

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